July 06, 2019 2 min read

There is no standard test for moisture-wicking but one thing that is actually standard is a chemical finish which is applied to nearly every moisture-wicking garment out there. Treatments are applied to boost wicking performance and repel stains. Although these chemicals are closest to our largest organ, the skin, and often at a time when that organ is working the hardest (running, jumping, adrenaline pumping and so on) and wide open to toxins, unless we plan on ingesting these chemicals directly, the chances of health issues due to toxicity are minimal. 

Still, some retailers are looking to provide other, more natural options. But application of a chemical treatment to help wick moisture is the industry standard. 

The better question for us, then, is "What's not present and standard in your moisture-wicking apparel?" And the answer is....enduring properties. With chemical treatments, moisture-wicking abilities only last for so long. How long? 10-30 washes, depending on detergents and cycles used. That doesn't include the reduction in capability that comes with using softeners. Softeners, in fact, do their job, but at a cost. They lay down a waxy finish that kills the fabrics "engineered" treatment. So, without even considering softeners, your moisture-wicking polo you just bought is sure to not perform well or as it claims in a fairly short amount of time. What does that mean for you or your organization? More time, more money lost to another purchase.

Seriously, who wants that?

Not us.  When our products role out, we will never sell you a product without giving you the full story behind it. Then, it's up to you...as it should be. 

Educated purchasing. Transparency. We got your back.